Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Surgery Day Tomorrow

Today was a list of all list day. Make a list of things I need to do, what did the list say to pack, what was on the grocery list, what was the list of things we wanted to do around the house before I leave. List, list,list. I started the day reading the list of "Things to do the day before surgery". I woke up at 8:30 am and the list said to drink two tablespoons of Mile of Magnesia, so I did, then an hour later I ate breakfast, the list said only liquids today, so I had a protein shake for breakfast. with in an hour, I was going to the bathroom. I spent more time in the bathroom today, then I think I did all week. (was not a good day for anything) Next on the list it said, "call the Admitting office to see what time to show up" So, I called. the admitting office said, "you need to be here at 6:00 am. ??? oh my Lord, that means I have to get up and out of the house by 4:00 am. no, not because live 2 hours away, because the list also said arrive one hour early to make sure you have time to walk 45 minutes - 1 hour to reduce the risk of blood clots. I'm so blessed that I have Mike. He will be driving me at dark"o"Clock..I received a lot of phone calls and Facebook posts today saying people were praying for me. I love my life, so filled with wonderful people. Well friends, I won't be blogging until I get home from the hospital, so if all goes right, you'll hear from me Friday August 6th. Good night and God Bless.

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